Baldoz reminds overstaying Pinoys to correct their status ASAP
"There is no time to waste. It is not wise to procrastinate. I strongly urge overstaying Filipinos in Saudi Arabia to visit the Saudi Deportation Office, or Jawazat Wafideen, while there is still time and immediately correct their status by complying with the requirements."
This was said by Labor Secretary Rosalinda Dimapilis-Baldoz in relation to the upcoming deadline imposed by Saudi Arabia for undocumented and overstaying overseas workers in the Kingdom. After November 3, 2013, the Saudization will be fully implemented. Pinoys and other foreign workers who fail to comply with the requirements will have to pay fines, face jail and be deported.
Ambassador Ezzedin H. Tago also emphasized that there will be holidays from October 11 to 20 in Saudi in celebration of E'id il Adha; and thus advised all illegals to correct their status as soon as possible to avoid further delay.
For women, Tuesdays and Wednesdays at the Women’s Section, from 5:00 P.M.; documents to bring: original iqama; or original passport with entry visa or records; or those with fingerprint, or basamat, record or printout; and valid travel document or passport.
For men, Thursdays at the Men’s Section, from 5:00 P.M.; documents to bring, original iqama; or original passport with entry visa or records; or those with fingerprint, or basamat, record or printout; and valid travel document or passport.
"Filipinos who do not have (1) original iqama; or (2) original passport with entry visa records; or (3) those whose fingerprints have not been registered in the Immigration database, or those who cannot secure a printout of their immigration records are advised to coordinate with the Philippine Embassy. Such cases will be brought by the Embassy to the attention of concerned Saudi authorities," the Philippine Embassy said.
The Embassy also reminded overstaying OFWs to proceed early to Wafideen because nationals from other countries will also be accommodated in their schedule.
"Those who have pending blotter or police records will not be issued exit visas. Ensure that all documents presented are authentic. Possession of fake documents may result in imprisonment," the Embassy finally said.
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